Monday, October 27, 2008

The Most Important Issue For Which You Will Ever Vote

I don't generally write about politics on this blog. After all, Gathered Chick was designed to encourage Christians in their faith, and perhaps engage those who haven't repented and put their whole faith in Christ (if that's you, check out this helpful video:

However, I contend that what I'm about to share isn't a political issue as much as it's a moral issue. With the upcoming United States presidential elections occurring in a few short days, it's become more and more apparent to me that many Bible believing Christians have been duped into thinking that the issue of life and abortion is merely a political issue. Sure, they say they would never have an abortion, but who are they to tell someone else what to do with their body? I've been grieved to hear people comment that their choice for president doesn't impact the issue of life and the abortion rates in the U.S. Faithful Christians have said that since Roe v. Wade wasn't overturned under the Bush administration, it probably never will be.

I could go on and on with the disturbing things I've heard lately and give a sound rebuttal. But, it wouldn't be as sound as the compelling blog Randy Alcorn has recently written concerning the issue of life in the upcoming presidential election. Get a cup of coffee and prepare to take about 10 minutes to read his blog all the way through. Randy has successfully reminded us all why the issue of life is the most important issue for which we will ever vote.

Click here to read Randy Alcorn's blog:

1 comment:

Chiara said...

I loved reading the post by Randy Alcorn. It is so funny you blogged about this, as I blogged this morning about similar moral issues in the light of the authority of scripture. This election was wearing on me, but I felt encouraged as I again remembered that "He has overcome the world!" Maranatha!