Monday, October 20, 2008

Circumstances and Perspective - God's Perfect Work

There is a saying amongst Christians that goes something like "God is rarely early, but He is never late." Usually, this axiom is uttered when someone has just been spared from a difficult circumstance, and not a moment too soon.

But, what about the Christian who has not seen God spare their loved one from death, or their home from repossession, or their marriage from divorce? What kind of comfort is it to them that God is rarely early, but never late?

Thankfully, that pithy saying is found no where in the Bible. Instead, the Bible is the very place where we learn that God's will included sending three men into the fiery furnace (Daniel 3). What were Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah - usually referred to as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego - thinking when they took that final step into what could have only been considered their certain death? If you were in their place, would you have had faith in your God? Or, like me, do you fear you would have lost that faith when the circumstances of your life went awry?

I am guilty of believing in God's goodness when life is going my way. When I'm well rested, have a full stomach, and am enjoying my surroundings, I can easily say that God is good. Unfortunately, I struggle when God has willed that I go without something I want. This way of thinking isn't right.

As Christians, we must learn to think Biblically and say with Moses, "His works are perfect, and all His ways are just" (Deuteronomy 32:3-4). In the same vein, we're called in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to be joyful, prayerful and thankful because this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus.

Let's stop looking at God through the perspective of our circumstances. Instead, let's work to look at our circumstances through God's perspective. We may not see God working as we wish, but we will see His perfect work in our lives.

Thank You for all the blessings you bestow on us each day - for food, and rest, and beauty. Thank You that You do care for our needs. In those times when it appears all is lost, we trust You have a plan that is perfect and just. Please enable us to see our circumstances through the truth of Your word. Help us to be constantly joyful, prayerful and thankful knowing that as we do, we are fulfilling Your will for our lives. We love You, Lord. Thank You for loving us first.
In Jesus' Name,

In what ways has God shown His perfect work to you personally? Click the comment button just under this post and share an example of how God is working in your life. Sometimes a circumstance we didn't want has come upon us, but there is often an unexpected blessing in the midst of the pain. Let's practice being joyful, prayerful and thankful by sharing an example of His perfect work in our lives.


Chiara said...

AMEN, Heidi! We fail to have that eternal perspective, and we are emotionally swayed so easily by the here and now. God's immutable qualities are true and consistent through everything we face. Oh, to remember this without fail!

Anonymous said...

One example - and I can honestly think of many - that God has shown me His perfect work in my life is how He used some difficult circumstances surrounding my former church to lead me deeper into His word and give me a passion for Biblical truths. Without that difficult time (and believe me, I complained to God often during it), I would not be who I am today. Soli Deo gloria!