I didn't say could, I said will.
Skeptical? I probably would be, too.
But, what if you could hear from someone who knows everything? Everything about you, everything about your future, and everything you are currently facing.
We can! God is speaking right now through His word, the Bible.
Hebrews 4:12 says the word of God is living and active. But, we don't take advantage of that living and active power when we're not reading it, researching it, meditating on it, talking about it, or memorizing it.
I know. You're busy. You can't fit one more thing into your life. If you have one more to-do, you'll....you'll.... You don't know what you'll do, but it won't be good.
But, what if you replaced some of the time you spend listening to the radio, music or your iPod with some Scripture? Don't add another to-do, just replace this with something you're already doing. Time spent driving in the car, working out on the treadmill or listening to music while fixing dinner could be spent ingesting the Word of God. And, that will be life-transforming.
Here's the link to the New Testament on CD I enjoy most:
You can download the Bible from iTunes, buy CDs from Barnes and Noble, or you could even record your own voice reading passages from the Bible. Whatever you choose, don't miss out on the wonderful benefits of
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