My discovery came while going through a wonderful discipleship program called Partners written by my pastor, Mike Fabarez . I figured this course would be a piece of cake since the material covers the fundamentals of being a Christian. After all, I've had YEARS of Christian schooling and Bible study.
Although the subjects covered in this discipleship program are based on the Christian principles I've been taught my entire life, I made a startling discovery while going through the very first chapter. In it I was asked to specifically recall how I came to faith in Christ and my point of repentance.
I couldn't really answer that question—at least, I couldn't answer it easily. I can't remember not believing in Christ as God and Savior. My parents did a great job of making that truth clear to me, and I've never questioned it.
My problem was I couldn't remember when I repented.
I remember asking Jesus into my heart one fall evening when I was in the 6th grade. But, when I really thought about that moment, I realized I had only done this in order to have a spiritual birthday. We knew a missionary who was always talking about his spiritual birthday, so I wanted one too. Why pass up the chance to be celebrated and have cake twice a year, right?
For months after I completed that first chapter, I pondered on and off when I might have repented. I asked God to please release me from this desire to know; I didn't want to waste time and energy on something that was unnecessary. But, I kept finding myself confronted with the issue.
Scripture makes clear the need for repentance to accompany faith for salvation. James 2:19 says that even the demons believe, so mental assent isn't enough. We must believe AND repent (Acts 20:21). In fact, if you study all the presentations of the gospel in the book of Acts, you'll find faith and repentance consistently required for salvation. This is the only acceptable response to the gospel.
Please know that the act of repentance is in no way a good work done of ourselves. If that was true, then we should get an equal amount of praise and glory for being smart enough to choose to repent and put our faith in Christ. No—only God can cause us to see our need for a Savior and respond in repentance. He draws us to Him, not the other way around (John 6:44). But, even though God does the work through us, we're still required to repent in order to receive salvation.
After much prayer and soul searching, with confidence I realized that I chose to turn from my sin in my final year of college. Up until that point, I had been living solely for myself. This meant that my original baptism just before college happened before I became a Christian.
My first baptism came about because it was a requirement to be in a traveling Christian singing group. Even when traveling the world and singing to others about God, I was still living for myself. I knew all the right words to say, but my heart had not yet been transformed. Even I was deceived when I agreed to be baptized that first time.
Are you able to point to a time period when God placed you in Christ? You don't have to know the day or even month, but you should be able to generally know when it happened.

I'm glad someone asked me to remember when I repented and put my faith in Christ. Do you know when you repented and put your faith in Christ? If you don't, I encourage you to think about it. It could make an eternal difference.
Thank You for showing your love for us by sending Jesus to live and die in our place. Thank You for Your Spirit who helps us know we are Yours and that nothing can snatch us out of Your hand. I'm so glad I will never be without You - both here on earth and for eternity in heaven.
In Jesus' Name,
A Gathered Chick is someone who has turned to God in repentance and placed their faith in Christ (Acts 20:21). Click here for a short video that explains this life-changing truth.
That is a great thing to talk about...i was on the other end of the spectrum always feeling maybe I did not repent enough, not believing that Jesus could have possibly died for someone as bad as I. It did not matter that in my brain I knew he did and I believed he did for my sin...
it was several years later that I began to rest in knowledge that indeed God loved me and I was His daughter. For me this was a long process.
Heidi, I think this is very common and I am encouraged that you had the courage to do the right thing. This is a great testimony that many people will relate to.
Good for you!! What a wonderful testimony.
Many blessings-
Thanks for sharing your testimony, Heidi! Mine is VERY similar. I grew up in the church, attended AWANA, etc. and believed I became a Christian as a child and saying a "sinner's prayer." When Pastor Mike gave sermons about having a specific conversion moment in mind and seeing the fruit of it afterward, I couldn't. It took YEARS for me to figure out I repented right after college graduation. That is when I broke down, submitted to Him and truly repented. FURTHER that is when the fruit came about. I had to get rebaptized again too! (a little over a year ago). Congratulations on your baptism. Thank you for sharing this important post!
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